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Updated: 03.08.2023
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Construction works represent the entire set of activities performed with the aim to produce real estate assets, new buildings and civil constructions, as well as to restore, reconstruction and expansion, repair, and maintain the existing ones.

The construction works are grouped and presented:

  • according to the following structural elements:
    • new construction works;
    • capital repairs works,
    • maintenance works and current repairs,
    • other works.

Value of new construction works (including reconstruction and extension works) – represents the value of construction works performed for the first time, covered in the estimation items.

Value of capital repairs works is the value of a set of works and measures in order to restore the capacity or operating conditions of buildings, structures and their parts and components, including construction and machinery. Thus, for the overhaul work of buildings and constructions are carried out the replacement of used parts, or their exchange with other more resistant and advantageous. It improves the exploitation possibilities of the repaired object and increases the useful life, compared to the fixed duration of the initial entry, with the exception of the complete replacement of the basic constructions (walls, foundations, intermediate floors, etc.).

Value of maintenance works and current repairs represents the value of the works, done with the purpose to preserve or restore the possibilities of obtaining the future economic benefits (profit) from them, in the proportions established at the initial entry. The maintenance works and current repairs include all operations of painting, coloring and repairing of non-significant parts, which are done to ensure the continuity of its use, preventing the quick use and prolonging the useful life. Also, are included the installation of mechanical, electrical or heating systems, replacement of sewers and water pipes (even if they are new).

Value of otherworks include the value for technical-cultural works; works for re-cultivation of the land plots and primary improvement of the agricultural areas; works for cleaning the irrigation and drainage systems; drainage works for the forestry fund areas; works for supplying gas to flats, performed from population’s means; works for substituting flameproof masonry of technical and thermal aggregates, works related to drilling technical wells and for reducing water, performed for the basic activity of the enterprise; renting constructions equipment with the afferent service personnel.

  • according to the following types of constructions:
    • residential buildings;
    • non-residential buildings;
    • engineering constructions.

Residential buildings – are constructions with a long-term exploitation, located on a batch of land within borders, with all auxiliary buildings and comfort elements, where more than half of the total building’s area is used for dwelling purposes.

Non-residential buildings – are buildings designed, exclusively, for other purposes than residential (administrative and production buildings, shops, warehouses, cinemas).

Special constructions (engineering) – the constructions which are not classified under buildings, but are designed to create conditions for production, services or social-cultural activities (roads, bridges, stadiums, railways).

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