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Improving the institutional capacity of the National Bureau of Statistics
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Project Background:

The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), as the Central Statistical Authority, coordinates the national statistical system (NSS) of the Republic of Moldova and manages the implementation of the Sectoral Development Strategy

In the most recent Eurostat Assessment of the National Statistical System of the Republic of Moldova, the experts recommended to NBS, as a priority, to improve the population statistics, including on the internal and external migration, to increase NBS access to available administrative data, to develop and publish annual backward-looking population estimates applying the concept of habitual residence in the period between the censuses of 2004 and 2014, to review the statistical series impacted by the availability of the reviewed demographic data and develop a methodology for demographic projections.

This project aims to enhance the NBS institutional capacity in the implementation of the 2018-2020 Action Plan on the implementation of the NSS Development Strategy, especially in terms of revision of the demographic and migration forecasts, in accordance with the international recommendations and by using administrative data sources. The project will particularly help develop the capacities of the NBS Population Statistics and Migration Department, as well as of other support departments responsible for statistical methods and the use of administrative data sources, data protection, information technologies development and dissemination. 

By improving the statisticians’ abilities and technological upgrading of the ICT infrastructure of the NBS, this Project also aims to provide support with territorial disaggregation by residence areas, and disaggregation of estimates of the population with habitual residence by age and sex, using data on internal and international migration from disaggregated administrative sources at the subnational level (by territorial-administrative units). This will enable the further revision of social sector indicators for all the country’s districts and settlements. 

Given that the 2030 Development Agenda aims to leave no one behind, more detailed demographic statistics at the territorial level will allow users, including decision makers, to understand better the state of affairs and the demographic changes in the country’s regions and communities, information that will inform their plans and measures to improve the quality of people’s lives, paying due attention to underrepresented and vulnerable groups.


NBS will be able to create and disseminate timely, high quality and reliable territorially-disaggregated population data in accordance with international standards. 

Relevant SDGs: en-sdg-goal-17.png SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals

Main goals and activities

Goal 1: The population number at the subnational level (by settlements and districts) is estimated on the basis of the total number of population with habitual residence and on the migration flows disaggregated by sex, age and residence.

Activity 1.1: Estimate the population with habitual residence by residence in order to be able to review statistics on income, expenses and work force. 
Activity 1.2: Estimate the internal migration at the sub-national level, as well as by age and sex. 
Activity 1.3: Estimate the international migration at sub-national level, as well as by age and sex. 
Activity 1.4: Estimate the number of population with habitual residence in territorial profile (districts and settlements) by age and sex. 
Activity 1.5: Perform backward-looking calculations of the actual/old time series for the number of population, applying the relevant scientific methods.

Goal 2: Build the NBS institutional capacity by upgrading the collection and processing of population and social statistics.

Activity 2.1: Build the NBS capacity of using administrative data sources for the production of population statistics, including on migration.
Activity 2.2: Provide appropriate technical equipment to enable NBS to process data from administrative sources according to the legislation in force in order to produce population estimates disaggregated by territories and use modern demographic data collection methods.

Contact details:

UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund,Secondary office: office 802,106 A Grenoble Street
Chisinau, MD-2019
Republic of Moldova.

General Data

Project Duration

  • 1 December 2019 - 31 December 2021

Project implementation and partners

  • United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA Moldova), in partnership with the National Bureau of Statistics

Financial assistance of the project

  • Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
  • United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA Moldova)
Useful references


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