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EU Project: “Improved Regional Statistics in the Republic of Moldova”
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Trainings offered by STATREG Project in January
During January trainings for NBS staff have been organized within "Improved regional statistics in Moldova" EU funded Project (STATREG), as follows: Tableau Public on territorial indicators dissemination; project management; advanced use of Excel skills.
Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Moldova, edition 2016 was published
National Bureau of Statistics has published the "Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Moldova", edition 2016 in printed form and on CD-ROM. The Yearbook is structured in 24 chapters and includes 330 tables and diagrams. Each chapter contains methodological notes for basic indicators.
Continuous training offered by STATREG Project
The training programme developed by STATREG continued with two trainings on SMART specialization and Analysis of disparities for decision making in regional policies.
Experience sharing with Statistical Office of Lithuania
On 30 November–2 December, representatives of the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova are in a study visit at the Statistical Office of Lithuania. The goal of the visit is to discuss about the reorganisation of regional statistical boards.
Training for trainers on use of regional statistics
Between 21st and 22th of November 2016, 12 representatives of National Bureau of Statistics and Territorial statistical offices from Balti, Cahul and Edinet attended a Training of Trainers programme organised within “Improved regional statistics in Moldova” EU project.
Continuous training for employees of the National Bureau of Statistics
National Bureau of Statistics staff had benefited of two new modules "Using Excel in Statistics" training course, organized within "Improved regional statistics in Moldova" EU funded Project.
Program on “Use of regional statistics in strategies and programs evaluation”
On 27th and 28th October, ”Improved Regional Statistics in Moldova” (STATREG) EU-funded Project delivered a training program on “Use of regional statistics in strategies and programmes evaluation”.
The seminar "The role of geographic information in statistical production processes and data dissemination"
During 24-28 October, Janusz Dygaszewicz, expert in Geographic Information System (GIS) from the Central Statistical Office of Poland, is in a mission at the National Bureau of Statistics. During the mission recent trends and best practices used in the National Statistical Institutes in EU regarding the spatial statistical analysis and use of statistical cartography were presented.
On 11 and 12 October 2016, EU funded project „Improved regional statistics in Moldova” delivered a training course on Using Excel in statistics
The training course was organized on 11 and 12 October 2016, as part of the continuous activities within the framework of the project and delivered by Ms. Carmen Holotescu, ICT international expert.
Training course for NBS IT staff in Oracle database administration
During 25th-29th July 2016 and 8th-12th August 2016, six NBS specialists from IT Department of Bureau of National Statistics (NBS), database administrators had the benefit of being trained in Oracle database adminstration, delivered by „Improved Regional Statistics in Moldova” EU Project.
Workshop on pilot production survey of small farms
During 26-28 July 2016, "Improved Regional Statistics in Republic Moldova" EU Project, in close cooperation with National Bureau of Statistics organized a Workshop on pilot production survey of small farms in the district of Causeni. The event was designed for all stakeholders involved in preparation and implementation of the pilot survey: NBS Agricultural Statistic staff, NBS local staff in Causeni, supervisors and interviewers.
National Workshop "Harmonization of the demand and supply of regional statistics”
The EU project "Improved Regional Statistics in Republic of Moldova” in collaboration with the National Bureau of Statistics, organized on July 13th, 2016 the National Workshop "Harmonization of the demand and supply of regional statistics. The Workshop offered to the main users and producers of regional statistics the opportunity to discuss and agree on the main issues related to the regional statistics production and use in Republic of Moldova and the necessary actions for improvements.
INTRANET internal communication system of National Bureau of Statistics was launched
On 15- 16 June 2016, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) toghether with STATREG and SIDA Projects support, have launched the internal electronic information system - INTRANET. This network aims to facilitate internal communication at NBS, especially, between central office and regional offices, providing information about the events taking place within the NBS, as well as about internal information, procedures, contact, methodologies etc.
Training course on “Use of disparity index for regional development policy”
On 7th and 8th of June in the frame of STATREG Project, a training course on “Use of disparity index for regional development policy” was organized. The event was focused on developing technical skills of participants in order to improve their capacity to use statistical techniques to measure and to analyze regional disparities.
Better training skills in the use of regional statistics
Between 19 to 22 April 2016, the STATREG Project organized the first session of the Training of Trainers courses, in the use of regional statistics. Under the programme, participants, the representatives from the National Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Regional Development and Construction, Regional Development Agencies (North, Center and South) and the Executive Committee of Gagauzia, have developed their training skills in the use of regional statistics.
The National Bureau of Statistics and the Academy of Economic Studies had the benefit of being trained by an international university professor
From April 5th to April 8th, STATREG project organised a training course on small area estimation in the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova.This training was delivered by Professor Domingo MORALES GONZALES of the University Miguel Hernández de Elche and trainees came from the National Bureau of Statistics and the Academy of Economic Studies.
Workshop "Education and Training in Regional Statistics in Republic of Moldova"
The EU project "Improved Regional Statistics” in Republic of Moldova, in collaboration with the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova and National Bureau of Statistics, organized on March 29, 2016 the Workshop "Education and Training in Regional Statistics in Republic of Moldova".
Share of experience for specialists National Bureau of Statistics and the National Social Insurance in Republic of Moldova
As part of the project activities STATREG in February, representatives of the NBS conducted study visits to statistical offices in Romania and Lithuania, which were aimed at studying the experience regarding the development of macro-economical indicators in agriculture and the use of Social Security data for the compilation of statistics on the number of employees and earnings.
The 3rd Steering Committee meeting of the STATREG project "Improved Regional Statistics in the Republic of Moldova" took place
On 17th of December 2015 the 3rd Steering Committee meeting of the STATREG project "Improved Regional Statistics in the Republic of Moldova" where The STATREG team presented the progress so far. The meeting was chaired by Ms Lucia Spoiala, Director General of National Bureau of Statistics.
The Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova and National Bureau of Statistics organized a conference themed World Statistics Day
Tuesday, October 20th 2015, Republic of Moldova celebrated World Statistics Day. On the same occasion, the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova and National Bureau of Statistics, with STATREG Project support, organized a conference themed "Better statistics for a better life".
The conference "Improved local and regional statistics for a better life"
Tuesday, October 20, 2015, on the occasion of World Statistics Day, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova with the support of the project "Improving regional statistics in Moldova" organizes conference "Improved local and regional statistics for a better life".
Steering Committee Meeting of the STATREG Project
On 15 July 2015 the Steering Committee of the STATREG project met for second time and approved the first Interim Report. The Team Leader, José CERVERA, presented the activities carried out since the beginning of the project and the next activities.
Transfer of experience to Moldovan statisticians
On July 7–9, Statistics Lithuania hosted a study visit of the representatives of Statistics Moldova. Statistics Lithuania received 12 Moldovan guests: Director General of Statistics Moldova Ms SPOIALĂ Lucia, heads of divisions responsible for the production of statistics, economy and finance, human resources, dissemination of statistical information, statistical infrastructure, coordinator of statistical data collection and other specialists.
Visit to the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic
As part of the project's capacity building activities STATREG organised a study visit to the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic. The visit took place from May 20th to 22nd, and was attended by 8 representatives from NBS and its territorial offices.
Workshop on concepts and data requirements for regional accounts
From May 18th to May 20th, STATREG project organised a Workshop on concepts and data requirements for regional accounts in the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova. This training addressed the concepts and methods promoted by Eurostat to compile regional Gross Value Added (GVA) and regional Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Workshop on “Users and Producers of regional statistics” has taken place at the National Bureau of Statistics
The first national workshop on “Users and Producers of regional statistics” has taken place at the National Bureau of Statistics premises, to discuss the information needs of policy-makers and how the statistical system responds to them.
Participation of STATREG Project at the European Village
The Project “Improved Regional Statistics in the Republic of Moldova” has participated Sunday, May 10, at the event organized by the EU Delegation in Moldova "European Village", on the occasion of Europe Day. Within the event were distributed publications provided by the NBS, the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction and Regional Development Agencies.
EU Project “Improved Regional Statistics": Project news – March 2015
The project “Improved Regional Statistics in the Republic of Modova” mobilized an important number of short-term experts during March to assess both the production and use of regional statistics.
EU Project “Improved Regional Statistics": Working meetings in February 2015
The Key Experts of the Regional Statistics project had a number of meetings during February to discuss technical details of the next project activities to be implemented.
The European Union supports the improvement of regional statistics in Moldova
Today, February 4 2015, the project “Improved Regional Statistics in the Republic of Moldova” has been launched. The goal of EU assistance through the project “Improved Regional Statistics in the Republic of Moldova” is to strengthen the capacity of the producers of statistics, mainly the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) to improve the methodological aspects of regional statistics as well as their dissemination.
Project documents
» Terms of reference 
Useful links

» Moldova: Territorial statistics
» Moldova Geoportal
» Small Area Deprivation Index (SADI)
» Eurostat database
» Eurostat publications of regional statistics
» Eurostat / Regional Statistics Illustrated 
» NUTS regulation
» OECD regional statistics
» DG Regio publications and databases

EU Delegation in Moldova
Delegatia UE in Moldova
Video spot realizied with the Project support
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