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Cultural-artistic network represents the set of units and institutions from different cultural and artistic backgrounds: libraries, museums, concert and performance institutions, publishing houses (newspapers and magazines).

Library is a specialized institution, compartment or structure, the main goal of which is to establish, organize, process, develop, and preserve collections of books, publications, other specific documents and databases so as to facilitate their use for information, research, education, and recreation. The library has an important strategic role within the information society.

National system of libraries, in relation to their functions and duties, is structured as follows:

  • public libraries from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research system; 
  • libraries of educational institutions;
  • Central Scientific Library “A. Lupan” of the Academy of Science;
  • medical libraries;
  • agricultural libraries;
  • trade-union libraries;
  • technical libraries;
  • Information and Documentation Center in intellectual property area;
  • National Information and Rehabilitation Center of the Blinds’ Association from Moldova.

Libraries’ collections cover the following categories of documents: books, periodicals, manuscripts, micro-formats, cartographic documents, typed music documents, audiovisual documents, graphical documents, electronic documents, photographic documents or documents multiplied through physical-chemical processing, archivist documents, and other categories of documents, regardless of their material support. Collections may cover also other documents, which are not specific for libraries, which are established historically or originate from donations.

The title describes a document which constitutes a separate article, with distinct title, regardless of the fact if it is published in a single volume/physical unit and regardless of the number of copies existing in the library.

Printed (bind) books and periodicals:

  • Printed books are documents, non-serial, set by assembling the foils. 
  • Periodicals are serial publications with the same title appearing at regular intervals of time or not, during a period which is not determined beforehand.
  • Serial publications are documents which are printed or not, which appear in consecutive bundles during a certain period, regardless of their periodicity.

The printed (bind) books and periodicals should be counted as volumes. The unbind periodicals and newspapers should be counted as if they are bind. A volume covers all the numbers of a publication from one year.

Subscribed user/registered member: person or organization subscribed to use collections and/or library services. The person or organization is considered to be subscribed if he/she/it has registered during the reference year (newly subscribed) and used the collections and/or library services during the year(s) prior to the year of reference.

This category covers the person or organization who has endorsed the library entry permit (the entry permit is valid for a determined period of time, for instance, in public libraries, the entry permit is valid for a period of 5 years).

Number of users per library – total number of library services’ users per total number of libraries which have operated during the year of reference.

Active user is the person or organization which has used the library services and facilities during the year of reference.

Number of volumes per user – represents the number of volumes existing in the library in relation to the total number of library users during the year of reference.

Borrowing – represents the direct borrowing of a document so as to be used within or outside the library. The borrowing covers the prolongations, the borrowing on the spot, and copies (number of foils) provided instead of originals.

Visit to the library (frequency) – represents the number of users who visit the library during the year, either directly or from distance.

Specialized personnel: librarian, bibliographer, researcher, editor, documentarist, guardian, restorer, system engineer, IT person, operator, analyst programmer, custodian, depositary, and other profile functions.

Total personnel – represents the total full-time equivalent number of employees by the end of the calendar year.

Museum is a public cultural institution serving the society, which collects, preserves, researches, restores, communicates and exhibits material and spiritual evidence of human communities’ and environment evolution and existence for people’s education, recreation and knowledge accumulation.

Collection is a set of cultural and natural assets built in a systematic and coherent way by individuals or public and private legal entities.

Museums and public collections are classified according to the following criteria:

1) nature of cultural assets existing in their patrimony:

  • historical - museums (public collections) which have in their patrimony movable or immovable assets of historical, commemorative, documentary (archives, regarding some historical personalities), military, ancient nature;
  • ethnographic museums – museums (public collections) which exhibit materials regarding the culture, social structure, confessions, national costumes, traditional arts, etc.;
  • for studying the native land – museums (public collections) or monuments of nature dedicated to matters that related to the history of the native land;
  • commemorative – museums (public collections) which have in their patrimony movable or immovable assets of commemorative nature;
  • of arts – museums (public collections) which have movable or immovable goods dedicated to fine and applied arts, including museum collections from monasteries and churches; this group also covers museums of sculpture, art galleries, museums of photo and movie, monuments, including exhibiting galleries under libraries and archive centers;
  • literary museums – museums (public collections) which exhibit materials regarding the literary history.
  • mixed museums - museums (public collections) having a diverse ensemble of cultural goods.

Visitor the person who visits a museum, public collection, exhibition.

Number of museum visitors per 1000 inhabitants – museum visitors in relation to the population number during the year of reference.

According to the repertory profile, the concert and performance institutions are classified as follows:

Concert and performance institutions represent cultural units in public or private ownership, serving the society and having an educational and recreational role, as well as the role to promote cultural-artistic, local and universal values at the national and international levels. They present dramatic, lyrical, choreographic, entertaining, popular, circus, puppet shows, as well as concerts of any style or any type of performance presented directly to the public.

Concert institutions are philharmonics, orchestra or any other instrumental, chorus or vocal-instrumental bands, which have permanent artistic personnel able to provide activities for a whole concert season.

Performance dramatic, puppet, lyrical, popular, choreographic, entertaining, instrumental, vocal-instrument, circus shows and concerts.

Spectatorthe person who watches / listens to a show or a concert.

Number of spectators at shows or concerts per 1000 inhabitants – number of spectators who have watched or listened to shows or concerts in relation to the population number during the year of reference.

Places in the performance hall – the capacity of the own (permanent) hall of the performance and concert institution.

Personnel of the performance and concert institution cover the personnel of artistic specialty.  

Serial publications (newspapers, magazines, and other periodicals) represent the publications which are printed and edited in the country and are offered to the public.

Number of titles refers to the total number of serial publications (newspapers, magazines, and other periodical publications) existing by the end of the year.

Annual edition represents the total number of copies of newspapers, magazines, and other periodicals printed during a calendar year (12 months) and which were sold (directly or through subscription) and not sold; the ones distributed free of charge in the country or abroad are added to this list.

Number of titles of newspapers published per 1000 inhabitants – number of the titles of published newspapers in relation to the number of population during the year of reference.

Number of titles of periodicals (magazines) published per 1000 inhabitants – number of titles of published periodicals (magazines) in relation to the number of population during the year of reference.


Sport premises, gymnastic and health improvement centres are provided for training and didactic activities for health improvement and competitions. They are placed separately or in complexes and correspond to competition regulations by sport and are registered in the Directions for Education, Youth and Sports (documented or with special cards).

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