Home / Consumer Price Indices in the Republic of Moldova in December 2008
Consumer Price Indices in the Republic of Moldova in December 2008

The evolution of Consumer Price Indices in the Republic of Moldova in December 2008

The National Bureau of Statistics presents data regarding the Consumer Price Indices (the level of inflation) in December 2008.

In December 2008 the average consumer prices have dropped compared to prices in November 2008 by 0,2 percents, being influenced by the decrease in prices for nonfood products – with 1,3 percents, as well as by the decrease in the tariffs for service rendering to population  - with 1,2 percents, average prices for food products have remained at the same level as in November (see annex).

In the analysis month was registered a drop in prices for the main food products: rice and vegetal oil – by 6,1%, sugar – by 2,2%, eggs – by 1,1%, fresh fruits – by 0,5% (citruses – by 9,1%, apples – by 3,3%), potatoes, meat and meat products – by 0, 3% each (including: beef – by 2,1%, pork – by 0,8%). The decrease in the analysis month of prices for food products was generated by the crop of products collected in the current year.

For nonfood commodities in the reporting period the drop in prices was significant for: fuels for transportation – by 14,5%, natural gas packed in containers – by 12,8%, coal – by 3,9%, drugs – by 0,6% and construction materials – by 0,4%, television, phone sets and audio, video.

More detailed information can be found in Romanian language.

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