Home / Cooperation project between National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova and Statistics Sweden
Cooperation project between National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova and Statistics Sweden


The overall objective of the project is development of perspective of the National Statistical System in order to ensure the reliability of statistical data and improve quality, as well as to improve the institutional capacity to produce statistics according to both international and European standards. 

  • Technical / Professional objective - Enhanced competence level of NBS staff to ensure the production of reliable statistics.
  • Organizational objective - development of the NBS general functioning, including management and planning aspects.
  • Strengthen institutional capacity - improve the institutional, policy, documentation and standardization skills. The image of the bureau within the society of the Republic of Moldova is also part of the capacity building.

Action Components: 

1. Management and Human Resource Development

  • Legal framework on statistics
  • Training in Management
  • English Training and European Code of Good Practice
  • Quality assurance
  • Internal communication
  • Communication with users and stakeholders

2. Development of statistical methodology

  • Methodology of study
  • Statistical competence
  • Information structures

3. External trade statistics

  • Compliance with EU requirements
  • Codes of Customs Procedure
  • Editing the data
  • Confidentiality of data
  • External trade of services

4. Business statistics

  • Harmonization of Annual Business Statistics
  • Business services and wholesale
  • Regional statistics
  • Investments
  • Administrative data
  • Innovation statistics

5. Environmental statistics

  • Statistics of expenditures of environmental protection
  • Water statistics
  • Waste Statistics
  • Emissions in air
  • Environmental accounts

6. National accounts

  • Implementation of SNA 2008
  • Regional GDP
  • Financial Accounts (FA)


Project Managers: Hakan Tegenrot, Andreas BlomquistDuration of the project: 04.2013-12.2017

Final Report

Home / Cooperation project between National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova and Statistics Sweden
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Email: moldstat@old.statistica.md
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