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„Household Budget Survey: Results”

National Bureau of Statistics, with the support of the project of the Department for International Development (DFID) for the Improvement of Social and Agricultural Statistics (ISAS), organized on 26 October this year, a round table on the results achieved in 2006, as well as in the first quarter of 2007, of the two sample surveys in the area of the household, namely Household Budget Survey and the Labour Force Survey.


At this meeting a report on changes and improvements that have taken place in Household Budget Survey was presented, compiled by an international, ISAS project, expert, as well as the results of an analytical report, namely "Measuring of Welfare and Integrity of the Population", which was compiled by a national independent expert, using the data from the Household Budget Survey as an initial base.


Household Budget Survey is a sample survey, with the aim of multilateral study of the population by means of income and expenditures, as well as by means of indicators such as education, health, economic activity, accommodation, durables and estimation of the living conditions of the people.


The information obtained on the basis of this survey is used primarily to determine the standard of living of population, but also for calculating the weight for consumer price index and final consumption of households. In the context of measuring the standard of living of population, Household Budget Survey is used to determine the poverty level and indicators that characterize poverty, which makes possible the evaluation of the impact of different programs and reforms on the social-economic situation of the population.


Since 2006, the Household Budget Survey changed significantly. Most changes affected the improvement of data collecting tools.

Creating of a new sample, renounce on the method for household replacement, redesigning the questionnaires, establishment of a new network of data collecting, all these factors contributed to improvement of the quality of data received.


Higher data quality means better understanding of the factors and characteristics of poverty, as well as a better informational support for informing the developers of politics and monitoring the impact of politics above on the welfare of the population.


The results achieved in the Household Budget Survey domain for 2006 reflects better the social-economic situation of households in Moldova and allows the implementation of comparative analysis of different categories of the population.

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