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Gender Statistics


Life expectancy at birth - estimation of the number of years to be lived by women and men in average born during the respective period, if during their lifetime the mortality level for all ages remains the same as it was during the year of birth.

Life expectancy at 65 years old - estimation of the number of years that women and men aged 65 years old will live in average, if during their lifetime the mortality level for all ages remains the same as in the reference year.

Adolescent and women fertility rate - number of live births per 1000 women of a certain age (in the limits of reproductive age - 15-49 years) divided to the total number of women of this age.

Births attended by skilled health personnel represents births attended by skilled health personnel (doctors, nurses or midwives) during delivery as a percentage of births in the same period.

Participation in decision-making

Share of women and men as members of Parliament - number of seats held by women/ men divided by the total number of seats in the Parliament.

Share of women and men in ministerial positions - number of women/ men holding minister position divided by the total number of minister positions in the Government.

Share of women and men in judiciary - number of women/ men working as judges divided by the total number of judges.

Share of women and men in police service - number of women/ men working in police divided by the total number of employees in police service.


Enrollment rate by level of education - number of girls/ boys enrolled in the respective level of education, regardless the age, divided by the total girls/ boys in the official age group corresponding to this level of education.

Enrollment rate in primary and lower secondary education - number of girls/ boys enrolled in primary and lower secondary education, regardless of age, in relation to the total girls/ boys from the official group of age corresponding to the primary level (7-10 years old) and lower secondary level (11-15 years old).

Enrollment rate in upper secondary and tertiary education - number of girls/ boys enrolled in upper secondary and tertiary education, regardless of age, in relation to the total girls/ boys from the official group of age corresponding to the upper secondary level (16-18 years old) and tertiary level ( 19-23 years old).

Gender Parity Index - enrollment rate of girls in a certain level of education divided by the enrollment rate of boys in the respective level of education.

The transition rate from primary to lower secondary education represents the ratio of the number of students admitted in the first year of lower secondary education in a given year of study, expressed as a percentage of the number of students enrolled in the final year of primary education in previous school year.

Graduate - is the pupil or the student who successfully promoted the last year of studies of a school or a university.

Early school leaving rate - number of girls/ boys aged 18-24 who have completed at most basic education (lower secondary, primary school or no school), who is not involved in any further education or training, divided by the total number of girls/ boys aged 18 -24 years old.

Literacy rate - number of girls/ boys aged 15-24 years old, graduating at least a primary education, divided by the total girls/ boys aged 15-24 years old.

Population structure by level of education - share of women/ men aged 25-64 by graduated level of education (low: lower secondary, primary, no primary education; medium: general secondary, lyceum, secondary vocational, postsecondary vocational; upper: under-and post-graduate) in the total women/ men aged 25-64 years old.

Share of women and men among teaching staff - number of women/ men employed in the education system, teaching in the educational and training process (full-time and part-time) in relation to the total number of teaching staff.

Share of women and men as rectors of higher education institutions number of women/ men in management positions/heads of universities (rectors) divided by the total number of rectors.


General mortality rate - number of female/ male deaths divided by the total women/ men, expressed in deaths per 1000 population.

Mortality rate by main causes of death - number of female/ male deaths divided by the total women/ men, expressed in deaths per 100 thousand population.

Maternal mortality rate - number of dead women as a result of the complications during pregnancy or delivery, divided by the total number of live births, expressed in deaths per 100 thousand live births.

Infant mortality rate - number of deaths under-one-year-old girls/ boys, divided by the total number of live births of the respective sex, expressed in deaths per 1000 live births.

HIV incidence - number of new HIV infection in women/ men, in the reference year, divided by the total women/ men, expressed in new cases per 100 thousand persons.

Share of women aged 15-49 who experienced physical or sexual violence by husband/ partner - number of women aged 15-49, who have reported at least one case of physical or sexual violence, in the last 12 months and in their lifetime, by the husband/ partner, divided by the total of interviewed women.

Share of women aged 15-49 who experienced physical or sexual violence by other persons than husband/ partner - number of women aged 15-49, who have reported at least one case of physical or sexual violence, in the last 12 months and in their lifetime, by other persons, divided by the total number of interviewed women.

Share of women aged 15-49 who experienced economic violence by husband/partner - number of women aged 15-49, who have reported at least one case of economic violence, in their lifetime, by husband/ partner, divided by the total number of interviewed women.

Share of women aged 15-49 who experienced psychological violence by husband/ partner - number of women aged 15-49, who have reported at least one case of psychological violence in their lifetime, by husband/ partner, divided by the total number of interviewed women.

Economic empowerment

Activity rate of population by area - number of economically active women/ men aged 15 years and over (including the employed and unemployed population), divided by the total women/ men of the respective age.

Population activity rate by levels of education - number of economically-active women/ men aged 15 years and over (including the employed and unemployed population), divided by the total women/ men of the respective age.

Unemployment rate - number of women/ men considered unemployed according to ILO definition, divided by the total number active women/men.

ILO criteria:

1. has no job and does not work;
2. actively looking for a job;
3. available to start work.

Economic inactivity rate of the population - number of inactive women/ men aged 15 years and over (did not work at least one hour and are not unemployed), divided by the total number of women/ men of the respective age.

Gender pay gap represents the difference between the average gross monthly earnings of men and of women divided by the average gross monthly earnings of men, expressed in percentage.

Occupations are classified in line with the Classification of Occupation in the Republic of Moldova, approved by Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family’s Order no. 22 dated March 3, 2014, harmonized with the respective international standard ISCO-08.

Population employment rate - number of employed women/ men aged 15 years and over (have carried out economic or social activities for income), divided by the total number of women/ men of the respective age.

Status in employment represents the situation of a person, depending on the way he/she obtains incomes from the carried-out activity, and namely: employees; non-employees; employers; own account workers; contributing family workers; member of a cooperative. Persons are classified by their professional status in line with the international classification ICSE-93.

Structure of the employed population by status in employment share of employed women/ men aged 15 years and over (have carried out economic or social activities for income), according to a certain status in employment, in the total number of employed women/ men.

Structure of the employed population by economic sectors - number of employed women/ men aged 15 years and over (have carried out economic or social activities for income), in an economic sector, in the total number of employed women/ men.

Employment rate by presence of children aged 0-6 years - number of employed women/ men aged 25-49 years (have carried out economic or social activities for income), with/ without children, divided by the total number of women/ men of the respective age.

Share of persons employed part-time - number of women/ men aged aged 25-49 years, who are employed (c), with part-time working program, divided by the total number of women/ men of the respective age.

Share of informally employed persons in non-agricultural sector - number of women/ men aged 15 years and over employed (have carried out economic or social activities for income), informally in the non-agricultural sector, divided by the total number of women/ men of the respective age in the non-agricultural sector.

Daily average duration of paid work and domestic work - average number of hours per day allocated by women/ men, who have carried out paid work and domestic work activities.

Participation rate in domestic activities - number of women/ men, who have participated in different domestic activities, divided by the total number of women/ men.

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