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Activity of institutions of secondary vocational and secondary specialized education in academic year 2009/2010
National Bureau of Statistics presents data on the activity of institutions of secondary vocational and secondary specialized education in academic year 2009/2010.

Remuneration of employees in the Republic of Moldova in January-November 2009
National Bureau of Statistics informs that in January-November 2009 the average salary of one employee in national economy constituted 2701,8 Lei and it increased compared to the same period of the previous year with 8,5%. The real salary in the same period of time increased with 8,6%. In the budgetary sector the average salary was 2357,6 Lei, and increased compared to January-November 2008 with 21,6%, in the real sector of economy - 2901,0 Lei and increased compared to the same period of the previous year with 5%.

Retail trade and services provided to population in January-November 2009
National Bureau of Statistics informs that in November 2009 retail trade through commercial units summed up 1715,7 million MDL that is with 5,4% less than the prevoius month and with 2,8% less compared to November 2008. The volume of charged services rendered to the population by officially registered enterprises in November 2009 made up 944,9 million MDL that is 4,2% less, in comparable prices, than in previous month and with 4,8% more compared to November 2008.

Activity of institutions of higher education in academic year 2009/2010
National Bureau of Statistics presents data on the activity of institutions of higher education in academic year 2009/2010.

Activity of primary and secondary education institutions at the beginning of 2009/2010 school year
National Bureau of Statistics announces that at the beginning of 2009/2010 school year, the network of primary and secondary education institutions covered 1512 schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, including 7 evening schools and 1505 day schools, of which: 91 primary schools, 708 gymnasiums, 492 lyceums, 179 general schools, 35 schools for mental or physically handicapped children.

Industrial activity of the Republic of Moldova in January-November 2009
National Bureau of Statistics informs that in January-November 2009 industrial enterprises of all types of ownership, produced goods to the amount of 20843,2 mio. lei, in current prices. The volume index of industrial production in comparison with January-November 2008 constituted 76,8%, in comparable prices. In November 2009 in comparison with November 2008 this index constituted 84,2%.

Freight and passenger transportation in January-November 2009
National Bureau of Statistics informs that in November 2009 enterprises of railway, road, river and air transport, have transported 885,5 thou. tonnes of goods with 6,9% more than in the previous month and with 10,0% less than in November 2008. The turnover of goods in November 2009 summed up 295,4 mio tonne-km with 3,8% more than in the previous month and with 7,8% less than in November 2008.

Population’s income and expenditures in the quarter III 2009
National Bureau of Statistics informs that in the 3rd quarter of 2009 population’s available income were in average of 1272,5 MDL per person, increasing with 4,3% compared to the same period of previous year. In real terms (adjusted to Consumer Price Index) population’s income registered an increase of 6,1%.

Living subsistence in quarter III 2009
National Bureau of Statistics informs that the living subsistence in the third quarter 2009 constituited 1085,4 lei, a decrease of 13,9% in comparison to the respective period of the previous year.

The evolution of industrial production price indices in the Republic of Moldova in November 2009
National Bureau of Statistics informs that in November 2009 the prices in total for industry have increased in comparison with September 2009 with 0,2%. In comparison with December 2008 the industrial production price index has decreased with 0,3%, and with 0,6% in comparison with November 2008.

Gross Domestic Product in January-September 2009
National Bureau of Statistics presents data on Gross Domestic Product in January-September 2009. In January-September 2009 Gross Domestic Product summed up 44166 mio. lei in current prices, and has decreased by 7,7% in comparison with the same period of the previous year.

Labour force in the Republic of Moldova: employment and unemployment, in quarter III 2009
National Bureau of Statistics informs that in quarter III 2009, the economically active population (employed population plus unemployed persons) of the Republic of Moldova was 1326,7 thousand persons, less with 2,4% (-31,9 thou.) compared to the quarter III 2008.

External trade activity of the Republic of Moldova in January-October 2009
Exports of goods in October 2009 registered a value of 124,9 mln. US dollars, which is 17,5% more than in the previous month and 16,9% less than in October 2008. Imports of goods in October 2009 registered a value of 304,6 mln. US dollars, which is 6,4% more than in the previous month and 28,9% less than in October 2008.

Сonsumer prices in the Republic of Moldova in November 2009
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that in November 2009 compared to October 2009 the consumer price indices registered 101,0%, and 99,3% compared to November 2008 (in November 2008 compared to October 2008 CPI registered 100,0% and 108,5% compared to November 2007).

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