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Average duration of life in the Republic of Moldova in 2021
The National Bureau of Statistics presents statistical information on the average life expectancy in the Republic of Moldova in 2021 was of 69,1 years, decreasing by 0,7 years compared to the previous year and by 11,3 years less than the average level of life expectancy at birth in the 27 EU countries in 2020. Life expectancy at birth by sex in 2021 was of 65,2 years for men and 73,1 years for women.

The dwelling stock of the Republic of Moldova on January 1, 2022
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that on January 1, 2022 the dwelling stock of the Republic of Moldova constituted 1319,4 thousand dwellings with the total area of 90003,0 thousand m².

Industrial activity in January-April 2022
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that in April 2022, industrial production (gross series) decreased by 10,4% compared to the corresponding month of the previous year.

Turnover in trade and services in January-April 2022
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in April 2022, turnover in retail trade, in comparable prices, registered decreased with 2,5% compared to previous month and decreased with 5,7% compared to April 2021. In January-April 2022, the turnover in retail trade increased with 1,8% compared to January-April 2021.

The evolution of industrial production prices in May 2022
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in May 2022 the producer prices in industry increased by 1,6% compared to April 2022, compared to May 2021 - by 26,4% and compared to December 2021 - with 14,6%.

Demographic situation in 2021
National Bureau of Statistics presents the statistical information on the demographic situation in the Republic of Moldova for 2021 year. The number of the population with usual residence on 01.01.2021 was 2626,9 thousand persons, and on 01.01.2022 - 2604,0 thousand persons.

Gross Domestic Product in the Republic of Moldova in the first quarter 2022
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in the first quarter of 2022 the Gross Domestic Product on gross series totaled 56,3 billion lei current market prices. Compared to the first quarter of 2021, GDP increased by 1,1% on the gross series and by 1,0% on the seasonally adjusted series.

International trade of goods of the Republic of Moldova in April and January-April 2022
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, exports of goods in April 2022 registered a value of 396,3 million US dollars, with 0,1% more than in March 2022 and by 1,8 times more compared to April 2021. Imports of goods in April 2022 amounted to 770,8 million US dollars, with 3,1% more than in March 2022 and with 37,1% more compared to April 2021.

Evolution of consumer prices in the Republic of Moldova in May 2022
he National Bureau of Statistics informs that, the average consumer prices in May 2022 compared to April 2022 increased by 2,04%. The increase in average consumer prices was determined by the increase in food prices by 2,50%, on non-food goods by 2,48% and on services provided to the population by 0,75%.

Youth NEET in the Republic of Moldova for the first quarter of 2022
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, according to the results of the Labor Force Survey, in the first quarter of 2022, the number of young people forming the NEET group aged between 15-24 was of 52,0 thousand, aged 15-29 - 116, 4 thousand and young people aged 15-34 years - 193,8 thousand people. For all these three age groups, the majority are women.

Population outside the labor force in the Republic of Moldova in the first quarter of 2022
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, according to the results of the Labor Force Survey, in the first quarter of 2022, the population outside the labor force aged 15 and older accounted 1276,0 thousand people, decreasing by 0,8% compared to the first quarter of 2021.

Under-utilization of the labor force in the Republic of Moldova in the first quarter of 2022
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that according to the results of the Labor Force Survey, the under-employed labor force for the age of 15 years and older constituted 62,4 thousand persons in the first quarter of 2022, decreasing by 23,3% compared to the first quarter of 2021 and by 21,3% compared to the first quarter of 2020.

Labour Force in the Republic of Moldova: Employment and unemployment in the first quarter 2022
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, according to the results of the Labour Force Survey in the first quarter 2022, the labour force of the Republic of Moldova, which includes the employed and unemployed population, was 854,2 thousand persons, increasing by 2,4% in comparison to the first quarter of 2021.

Usual resident population in the Republic of Moldova by sex and age groups at 1st January 2022
National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) presents the provisional estimates of the number of usual resident population in the Republic of Moldova at 1st January 2022.

Attendance of collective tourist accommodation establishments in January-March 2022
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that 56,6 thou. tourists attended collective tourist accommodation establishments in the period of January-March 2022, or 2,6 times more compared to the similar period of 2021. Of the total number of tourists, 20,5 thousand were resident tourists and 36,1 thou. - non-resident tourists.

Average earnings in the first quarter of 2022
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that the average gross monthly nominal earnings at the units in the real sector with 4 and more employees as well all budgetary institutions amounted to 9560,8 lei in the first quarter of 2022, increasing by 12,9% compared to the first quarter of 2021 and decreasing by 2,1% compared to the fourth quarter 2021.

The situation of children in the Republic of Moldova in 2021
The National Bureau of Statistics presents information on the situation of children in 2021. As of January 1, 2022, the number of children aged 0-17 in the Republic of Moldova accounted for 559,4 thousand, or 21,5% of the total number of the population with usual residence.

Investments in fixed assets in January-March 2022
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in January-March 2022, investments in fixed assets amounted to 4,9 billion lei or 12,6% (in comparable prices) more compared to the corresponding period of 2021.

General mortality by main causes of death in 2021
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that the number of death in 2021, according to the data of the Public Services Agency, was 45437 cases, increasing by 4721 cases (or 11,6%) compared to 2020.

The activity of insurers in January-March 2022
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that in January-March 2022 the gross premiums charged constituted 485,4 million lei, increasing by 24,5% compared to the gross premiums charged in the corresponding period of previous year.

The activity of public water supply and sewerage systems in 2021
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in 2021, the total length of aqueducts and public water distribution networks expanded by 557,3 km of newly built networks, 39,7 km in urban areas and 517,6 km in rural areas and amounted to 16,4 thousand km.

Passengers and freight transportation in January-March 2022
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that in January-March 2022, 51,7 million passengers were transported with public transport, with 13,3% more than in the similar period of 2021. The passengers turnover constituted 838,5 million passenger-km, increasing with 24,6% compared to January-March 2021.

Industrial activity in January-March 2022
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in March 2022, the industrial production (gross series) increased by 2,5% compared to the corresponding month of the previous year.

Construction activity in January-March 2022
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in January-March 2022 the volume of construction works decreased compared to the same period of 2021 by 4,9%, due to the decrease, by structural elements, of the volume of maintenance and current repairs by 21,5%, and new construction by 5,8%.

The evolution of industrial production prices in April 2022
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in April 2022 the producer prices in industry increased by 5,2% compared to March 2022, compared to April 2021 - by 25,3% and compared to December 2021 - with 12,8%.

The touristic activity of the tourism agencies and tour-operators in January-March 2022
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in January-March 2022 the tourism agencies and tour-operators provided tourism services to 37,5 thousand tourists and excursionists, or 29,6% more than in January-March 2021.

The number of live-births by age group of the mother, live-births order and areas in 2021
The National Bureau of Statistics informs, that the number of live-births in 2021 was 29230 persons, which is with 1604 (or with -5,2%) less compared to 2020. Of total number of live-births 51,6% were boys, thus the ratio being 106 boys per 100 girls.

Turnover in trade and services in January-March 2022
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in March 2022, turnover in retail trade, in comparable prices, registered increased by 13,4% compared to previous month and increased with 2,3% compared to March 2021.

City infrastructure and sanitation activities in urban localities in 2021
The National Bureau of Statistics publishes data on street infrastructure in urban areas and sanitation services provided to the population in 2021. In 2021, the area of green spaces in urban localities accounted for 6,6 thousand ha, which represents 12,9% of the built up area in urban localities.

International trade of goods of the Republic of Moldova in March and January-March 2022
National Bureau of Statistics informs that, exports of goods in March 2022 registered a value of 395,8 millions US dollars, with 17,6% more than in the previous month and with 52,7% more compared to March 2021. Imports of goods in March 2022 amounted 747,3 millions US dollars, with 11,7% more than in the previous month and with 18,6% - compared to March 2021.

Activity of leasing companies in 2021
National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in 2021 by leasing companies were leased out fixed assets with total value of 1,7 billion Lei or with 302,4 millions Lei more than in 2020. The major part of fixed assets leased out were the transport means with a value of 1,6 billion Lei.

Evolution of consumer prices in the Republic of Moldova in April 2022
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that in April 2022 compared to April 2021 the average consumer prices (for the last 12 months) increased by 27,07%, including food products by 30,17%, nonfood products by 19,13% and services provided to the population by 34,40%.

Doctoral and postdoctoral activity in 2021
National Bureau of Statistics informs that in 2021, PhD studies, cycle III, took place in 26 doctoral schools, with 13 units less than in 2020, organized in 16 higher education institutions, some of which formed consortia, national and international partnerships with other higher education institutions and scientific research institutions.

The evolution of sale prices of agricultural products by agricultural enterprises in January-March 2022
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that producer prices, average sale prices by agricultural enterprises, of agricultural products in January-March 2022 registered 108,4% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.

Building permits issued in January-March 2022
National Bureau of Statistics informs that in January-March 2022, 788 building permits for residential and non-residential buildings were issued, more with 9,6% compared to January-March 2021.

Detected contraventions in 2021
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in 2021 were recorded 629,2 thousand contraventions, with 221,4 thou. contraventions more than in the previous year. For the most of the cases, sanctions were applied 97,2% or 610,6 thou. cases. On average, per 1000 persons there were 235 cases of contraventions detected accompanied by application of sanctions.

Agricultural production in January-March 2022
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, the global agricultural production in households of all types in January-March 2022, according to preliminary estimations, amounted to current prices of 1805,5 million lei, constituting 97,6% in comparable prices, compared to January-March 2021.

The evolution of industrial production prices in March 2022
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in March 2022 the producer prices in industry increased by 2,1% compared to February 2022, compared to March 2021 - by 19,8% and compared to December 2021 - with 7,1%.

Turnover in trade and services in January-February 2022
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in February 2022, turnover in retail trade in comparable prices registered decreased by 6,9% compared to previous month and increased with 3,3% compared to February 2021. In February 2022 the turnover in wholesale trade in current prices increased by 25,2% compared to January 2022 and by 69,0%, compared to February 2021.

Research and development activity in 2021
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in 2021, the research and development activity was conducted in 67 units, including 38 institutes and research centers, 19 higher education institutions and 10 - other types of units. From the total number of units with research and development activity, 51 units (or 76,1%) have the form of state ownership.

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