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Freight and passenger transportation in the Republic of Moldova in January-June 2012
National Bureau of Statistics informs, that in June 2012 enterprises of railway, road, river and air transport, have transported 931,3 thou. tonnes of goods with 9,5% more than in the previous month and with 20,9% more than in June 2011. The turnover of goods in June 2012 summed up 343,4 mio tonne-km, with 5,0% more than in the previous month and with 15,6% - than in June 2011.

Evolution of the prices in constructions in the Republic of Moldova in the quarter II 2012
National Bureau of Statistics informs that the prices for construction-assembly works in the quarter II 2012 increased with 10,6% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.

Global agricultural production in January-June 2012
National Bureau of Statistics communicates, that agricultural production, in all types of holdings/households (agricultural enterprises, farms and population households) in January-June 2012 registered 97,9% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. The animal production (which represented approximately 85% of the total agricultural production) has shown a moderate growth - with 0,6%.

The evolution of industrial production price indices in the Republic of Moldova in June 2012
National Bureau of Statistics informs, that in June 2012 the prices in total for industry have increased in comparison with May 2012 with 0,6%, in comparison with December 2011 - with 3,3% and in comparison with June 2011 - with 6,0%.

Industrial activity of the Republic of Moldova in January-May 2012
National Bureau of Statistics informs, that industrial production in January-May 2012 compared to January-May 2011 constituted 99,6%. In May 2012 compared to May 2011 the volume index of industrial registered 109,5%.

Average earnings in May 2012
National Bureau of Statistics informs, that in May 2012 the average gross nominal earnings constituted 3489,8 Lei, registered an increase of 8,5% compared to May 2011. The index of the real salary in May 2012 compared to May 2011 was 104,2%.

Average life length in the Republic of Moldova in 2011
National Bureau of Statistics informs that since 2000 a continuous increase in life expectancy can be observed, except for in 2005, when a high level of general and infant mortality was registered. In 2011, this indicator registered its maximum duration - 70,9 years, including 66,8 years for men and 74,9 years for women. The significant increase in life expectancy was influenced by lower general mortality rate - 11,0 deaths per 1000 inhabitants, and lower infant mortality rate, which represented 10,9 deaths of children under 1 year per 1,000 live births.

External trade activity of the Republic of Moldova in January-May 2012
National Bureau of Statistics informs, that exports of goods in May 2012 registered a value of 176,4 mio. US dollars, which is with 3,0% less than in the previous month and with 1,6% more than in May 2011. Imports of goods in May 2012 registered a value of 428,1 mio. US dollars, which is with 0,3% more than in the previous month and with 2,2% less than in May 2011.

Evolution of consumer prices in the Republic of Moldova in June 2012
The National Bureau of Statistics informs, that in June 2012 compared to May 2012 the consumer price index (CPI) constituted 99,7%, and compared to June 2011 - 103,7%. From the beginning of the year (June 2012 compared to December 2011) consumer prices increased with 1,0%.

Activity of water supply and sewerage systems in 2011
National Bureau of Statistics is announcing that, in 2011 on the territory of the country there were placed 723 water supply systems, of which 569 units - public ownership, 149 - private, 5 - mixed ownership. From the total of aqueducts during 2011 year there had acted 643 systems (88,9%) or with 32 aqueducts more than in previous year and with 129 compared with 2008.

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