Home / Achievements in the framework of Project Component on Improvement of availability and reliability of regional for Moldova’s decision-makers
Achievements in the framework of Project Component on Improvement of availability and reliability of regional for Moldova’s decision-makers

in the framework of Project Component on 
Improvement of availability and reliability of regional for Moldova’s decision-makers

  • 3 sources of administrative data (Land Relations Agency and Cadastre, Social Insurance House, Agricultural Information Center) assessed towards the official statistics’ quality requirements

  • 4 EU regulations used to update national classifiers and industry data series (NACE rev.2, PRODCOM 2010, EC Regulation concerning short-term statistics No 1165/1998 and No 1158/2005)

  • 8 STATISTICAL METHODOLOGIES (annual structural survey on enterprises, discharge of pollutants into the atmosphere from households, turnover index in industry, sewerage& water supply & sanitation, labour cost and wages statistics, industrial production index, regional GDP, demography) and 3 statistical toolkits developed or revised to ensure territorial perspective and comply with EU/international standards and responding to internal data users' needs
    • Output indicators: 3 expert reports, 5 methodologies approved, 3 toolkits developed, 2 series of consultations with national counterparts carried out with 29 participants from state agencies/ministries
    • Resources used: fees for 3 national consultants , 1 expert from National Environmental Protection Agency of Romania – per diem and travel

  • 4 SOFTWARE produced, tested and put in practice for statistical data inputting and processing (turnover index in industry, survey on atmospheric air protection, annual survey on wages and labor cost, industrial production index ) in territorial perspective
    • Output indicators: 4 software applications designed, 4 expert reports including documentation on produced softs
    • Resources used: fees for 4 local consultants, IT experts

  • TRAININGs for the personnel of Territorial Statistical Offices on methodological and data collection aspects in the regions within the wage statistics surveys (7 surveys that produce data at the level of rayon and/or region), as well as regarding gradual implementation of quality management in the social households’ surveys
    • Output indicators: 52 TSO personnel and 5 specialists from the central office of the NBS trained
    • Resources used: catering and transport, 1 Latvian expert – per diem and travel

  • Statisticians offered opportunities of PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT on new data production (on wages and labour costs, index of industrial turnover, construction cost indexes, GIS systems) learning from EU/international standards, Romanian best practices and exchange initiatives
    • Output indicators: 7 missions to Romania and 1 to Latvia of 17 NBS and TSOs staff benefiting of advice of  Romanian NIS, 8 missions of 12 NIS-Romania specialists and 1 mission of expert from National Environmental Protection Agency of Romania sharing experience with NBS statisticians, 15 mission reports
    • Resources used: travel costs and per diems

  • NEW DATA (including new calculations on demography) and results of ongoing statistical SURVEYS, representative at TERRITORIAL level, disseminated via NBS DATABANK and TERRITORIAL STATISTICS publication, in line with the EU requirements on regional statistics and responding to data users’ needs for research and policy-making
    • Output indicators: about 160 indicators for 20 statistical fields disseminated in the DataBank, 1 active option on data representation in the form of a map for tables containing the territorial variable; 9000 copies of HBS booklet, 9600 copies of LFS booklet, 150 copies of the new version of CAEM printed
    • Resources used: 1 Romanian expert in 2 missions to Chisinau, travel and perdiem, 1 designer, printing costs

  • 3 ANALYTICAL BRIEFS, on topics Entrepreneurship, Water and sewage, Roads infrastructure, based on the territorial statistical data, produced to facilitate users’ understanding and usage of the data
    • Resources used: fees for 2 national consultants, 1 designer

  • KNOWLEDGE and ABILITIES of 53 data users (staff of Regional Development Agencies) strengthened within 4 tailored trainings on USE of REGIONAL STATISTICS for evidence-based policy-making

  • NUTS regulation applied to draft options for Moldova’s statistical regional distribution
    • Output indicators: 3 missions of international consultant to Chisinau, 1 mission of 3 participants from Moldova to consult 3 experts of Eurostat, 1 large consultation process with representatives from 8 types of institutions, 1 launching event with 32 participants, 1 feasibility report developed, 2 interviews (interview 1, interview 2) issued in 2 electronic media sources, 3 activity reports, 1 mission report, 2 expert opinions by Eurostat and NIS-Romania
    • Resources used: fees for 1 international and 2 national consultants, 1 mission of NIS-Romania expert and 1 mission to Eurostat– travel and per diem for 4 pers.

  • SMALL AREAS DEPRIVATION INDEX was methodologically revised and indicators updated in line with the objectives set in the national, sector and regional strategic framework
    • Output indicators: 509 questionnaires collected from LPAs during data quality assessment, 2 reports on quality assessment of administrative sources and LPAs produced, 1 methodology, 1 toolkit and instructions, 1 integrated activity report provided,  1 launching event with 47 participants, 1 communication release on UNDP website
    • Resources used: fees for 3 national consultants

Presentation on Component I: Evaluation of the relevance of SADI in the actual development context of the Republic of Moldova, Dorina Garabajiu, expert național, Rodica Nicoara, şef-adjunct DAMEP, Ministerul Economiei

Presentation on Component II: Evaluation of the quality of indicators within the SADI database, Oxana Livițchi, national consultant

Presentation on Component III: Methodological revision of SADI, Maria Vremiș, national consultant

Presentation on Conclusions, recommendations, perspectives

  • Recommendations on improvement of Government M&E activity developed to tackle territorial disparities (Small Area Deprivation Index, NUTS) developed.
Home / Achievements in the framework of Project Component on Improvement of availability and reliability of regional for Moldova’s decision-makers
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